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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Snow globe - Day 105

 I found this adorable DIY Snow globe at Michaels the same time as the plastic ornaments and had to get it. It was very cheap and so much fun! I inherited the trees from my mom's craft bin, so I can't tell you where to get some, but the snowman is made of buttons glued together with hot glue. I used the hot glue to glue them to the bottom of the globe. There are three pieces to the globe. The ball, the bottom, and the lid. Glue your pieces to the bottom. You will push it up into the globe. I filled the ball up with water to the very bottom ring (look for the arrow). then turn the bottom upside down and put it into the globe. Some water will spill, but that is ok, you don't want a lot of air bubbles. Then you screw on the lid. I showed Ben and he was so excited! I then put it way up high and told him he could play with it only with me. I could foresee a disaster!

1 comment:

Michelle C said...

How neat!! I've seen links for making homemade ones without the kit too. What a fun craft.