I have been feeling lately that something was missing. I can't put my finger on it. We have had a hard summer and it has taken it's toll emotionally. I thought I should take a different approach and find positive in this situation. I watched this movie a while ago that was called "Julie and Julia". I fell in love with the idea of doing Something and documenting it on a blog. I tucked it away in the back corners of my mind for a rainy day. Well, it is raining like crazy outside and I have decided what to use it on.
I am going green
Little by little I will switch the way I live and things I eat to be more environmentally friendly and healthy for my body and mind. I am really going to try to do this every day so check back and leave support comments. I really need them!
I have already posted about switching laundry detergent to making it myself, so this will be my first post. I really like my new laundry soap. I keep it in an old dispenser after I finished it off. All I do is give it a good shake before I pour it out. I use extra FelsNaptha as a spot treatment. You just rub it on the spot and it works miracles. I don't know how environmentally friendly the ingredients are, but I will use them for now until I can find something different. Baby steps! If you want the post where I talked about how to make the detergent click HERE
Little by little I will switch the way I live and things I eat to be more environmentally friendly and healthy for my body and mind. I am really going to try to do this every day so check back and leave support comments. I really need them!
I have already posted about switching laundry detergent to making it myself, so this will be my first post. I really like my new laundry soap. I keep it in an old dispenser after I finished it off. All I do is give it a good shake before I pour it out. I use extra FelsNaptha as a spot treatment. You just rub it on the spot and it works miracles. I don't know how environmentally friendly the ingredients are, but I will use them for now until I can find something different. Baby steps! If you want the post where I talked about how to make the detergent click HERE
Wow Britt. Ambitious. That's great!! I have a friend that has a blog about trash free living and it's crazy how much insight her posts bring because it makes me realize how much we are really wasting. Here is her link: http://trashfreeliving.blogspot.com/. A lot of it is a little extreme for me at this point, but like you said: baby steps!
I don't know what your baby steps will be, but Charity uses cloth diapers. I think she uses this brand http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=cloth+diapers&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&hl=en&biw=1416&bih=648&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=327164182228225273&sa=X&ei=589DTtS8E8qIsQKbx_HWCQ&ved=0CIEBEPMCMAA. They're pricey, but I've also heard of making your own.
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