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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Super hero shirts

 Each year I make shirts for their birthday. This year their theme is super hero and I wanted the boys to have cool shirts that they would like.

I found two hanes shirts at the thrift store, same size. I found a website that took words and arranged them into a word cloud. I used super hero words and two different shapes and printed them off the computer. Then I slid the paper inside the shirt on a clip board and traced the words with a fabric pen. This took a lot of time and effort. When they both were done I bought some dye!

I bought the liquid dye from walmart in yellow and navy blue. I added three hot gallons of tap water to a five gallon bucket and half the dye bottle. Mix around with a stick or something.

I wanted it to start at white at the top and progressively get darker. With the yellow shirt I started right under the white part and hold for ten seconds. Lower a little bit and hold it for about 30 seconds. Lower it more and hold for a minute. Every time you keep lowering the shirt, double the time you hold it. I left the bottom in for a really long time to be really dark.

Ben's I did differently. I started at the bottom and working up to white. I used the same time period as the yellow shirt just in reverse.

SOoooo the blue turned out purple. I decided to try again with more dye and longer time period.

I used a pitcher this time.

It still turned out purple. Oh well. Ben still loves it.

When you are happy with the dye job you need to rinse it in the sink till it runs clear. The white got a little yellow during this step, so make sure you hold the shirt up right and don't ball it up when you rinse it. Then I didn't want to use the washing machine, because I didn't want the white to get any less white, so I skirted some laundry soap on it and rinse in the sink upright again. Then Dry in the dryer separately if different colors.

Here are the dinished products.

The boys love them and they look great!

1 comment:

Michelle C said...

They were so cute!! That is a TON of work to trace it!!!