I thought it was time for an update on what Daniel is up to in NYC. He is still working at the United Nations! In his free time he eats a lot of pizza, tours the city and visits various sightseeing places. This past weekend he went to the Central park zoo, Top of the rock, LDS Temple in Manhattan, and times square. He also found a little community that had a Brazil Day festival and he had so much fun there! He sees dogs every day and loves it when he comes across a pug or two. I have to admit they are adorable dogs at any age! He is also in the process of looking for an apartment for our little family after Benjamin decides to come out. I am so proud of him and can't wait to be with him in New York!
you're going to love love love New York. We lived in New Jersey for a couple of years (and PA for another couple) and one of the things I miss most is riding the train into NYC. I love everything about it! Looks so great, thanks for the pics. You're so talented with your sewing...I like to think I'm a good mom but my kids will never have anything that cute made by me. :)
How exciting for you all to be able to go to NYC when Benjamin comes. That poor pug looks scared.
It's so fun to see pictures of New York. It seems like a movie or something. I'm glad there's one picture with him in it!!
"david" is actually me (michelle)
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