well, I decided that the month prior to my first born turning one I would start to
wean him. That time has come and I am having mixed feelings. Don't get me wrong I am really excited to get a certain part of my anatomy back to normal, I am just worried for Ben. He REALLY loves to nurse. It is comfort for him, and I know it will be so hard to take his "lovey" away (a lovey is like a teddy bear or blanket that they use at nap time or when they need comfort). I am supposed to introduce a new one, but am having difficulty choosing one of those too. He will probably be
carrying around for quite a while, so I have to choose something acceptable to be seen in public.
Yesterday was the official starting day. I have a weekly schedule where I slowly take away each feeding. He now only has
a feeding when he wakes, and then he can't nurse again till after noon. He was really whiny and
clingy. He didn't sleep well
during his first nap. Then when he could nurse he was so wound up from not having it, he didn't want his second nap.
So this morning I gave him extra cereal for breakfast and another helping for a snack right before his nap, so he is really full. Hopefully he will want to sleep better. We shall see.
What have you all tried with
What lovey's have your children had?
any tips on the whole process?