So the other night my confirmations were made manifest! I actually saw the baby kick my tummy! I was lying in bed before I was going to sleep and I felt this really hard lump in the general area of the baby. I pushed it a little and it kicked back. I stopped and thought about it for a second. I realized that yes there is something in there and it is kicking me back! To further my curiosity I poked it a little and again it kicked in anger, " hey stop poking me!" I had gone to the movies that day and had a large root beer. This is my first one in a very long time, and I didn't think it would effect my baby. Boy was I wrong! after a little poking and watching it kick, I called Daniel in to feel and see it. He was a little weirded out by this. I wouldn't blame him, I was still in shock my self. So after this little episode the soda kicked in and he started bouncing of the walls of my insides. I cannot accurately describe what a baby's kick feels like. To me it feels like a bowl full of water and a blind goldfish doesn't know where it is going. Today I had class and kind of slumped over to take notes. a little time passes and I feel this kicking against my bladder. This was not as enjoyable as the encounter the night before. It hurt! He was again reminding me that there isn't enough room in there and that I should be considerate and stretch out. I think the shock of me being able to feel it move inside has passed, but now I am intrigued because my baby already has a personality. I am most excited to figure out what that is and compare it with the baby that will pop outside of me in the future. It is like Christmas, but I get little hints a long the way. I was always really good at guessing my presents...
How exciting! Your baby will be a little feisty one! I guess you will have to lay off the soda, apparently your baby doesn't like it, or maybe the fizzy soda tickled it :)
How awesome that you are feeling him kick! If it makes you feel any better, my friend just had a baby that would bounce around all day long kicking and going crazy. Now that he is out, he is soooo good! He sleeps a lot, and only cries a little when he wants/needs something. Maybe he will get all the crazy out while he is still inside your belly!
How exciting!!! I always loved feeling Nathan kick. It was a special experience that only he and I were sharing. Of course others could feel the kicks on the outside, but he was inside of me!! My mom said she loved it because it was the baby saying"Hi Mom!!" Maybe he (or she) likes you poking and he/she is playing with you!? Maybe they are curious. I think they can hear you now, can't they? At least internal noises. I also enjoyed feeling them move because it was reassurance that they were okay in between the appointments when I could hear their heartbeat. Such an exciting time. Just wait for those punches and kicks at the end, your belly needs to start poking out to give a little more room!! I LOVE your little piglets on your page - so cute!!
How exciting! I remember the first time I felt (for sure) Ethan kicking. It was so amazing. I started to realize it was real - I loved it! It was such a bonding experience. Until he wakes you up at the end of the pregnancy because he is constantly kicking your bladder. :-)
yay for babies! jealous!
so when are you guys leaving for NY?
How exciting Britt!!! This is the exciting time--when you're far enough to feel all the movement without being too uncomfortable--enjoy it now-haha! Love ya
Wwho is this little girl in the picture?? Because as far as I'm concened, my daughter has not had relations yet and this baby is going to be an emaculate conception!! I'm too traumatized to think of anything nice or cute to say so I'm going to go and begin a drinking habit right away so I can burn the aforementioned picture from my memory! btw, from the shoulders up the little girl is beautiful, the rest I really can't speak about right now, because their's something in my eyes making it hard to read the computer screen:(
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