So yesterday we too the time to go to the pets store and pick out a collar for each of the dogs. We had gotten some before, but they never lasted. The pugs necks are fatter than their heads, so they never stayed on. they would always wriggle out of them in the middle of a walk. So we had given up all hope of tagging them in case they got loose. So back to picking out collars, we decided to just bite down and get ones that self adjusted so that we could tighten the collars as much as we needed for them not to fall off. Then we got them each new name tags with updated phone numbers. If you have never seen a tag machine work I highly recommend you make find a reason and watch it. It is so cool! so anyways, we came home and put their rabies tag, name tag and collar around their necks. I feel much better about having the info with them at all times. I was regretting a little bit this morning when they were running around the house with clinking tags while I was trying to sleep. Oh well, I guess I can live with it!
How fun!! I bet they look so cute with their collars. That's great since Ollie loves to get loose!! I've never seen a tag machine work, I bet that was cool!! David said he saw you at Walmart today. I was back in the baby section (where I always am) and missed you!! I love your blog with the music and pictures. You should take a pic of the doggies with their collars and post them. That would be fun to see!! (I didn't know if you knew you could post pics with your entry or not).
Yay for new collars!, but I must say that the noise would drive me a bit crazy. Hopefully you will be able to get used to it. You will know where the dogs are heading at all times.
I understand about the clinking around the house! We typically take Che's collar off while he is in the house, and then put it back on when we leave. Also, if the collars still have an issue about staying on, we ended up getting Che a halter to put around him. It is easier to control him on a walk, and I don't feel like I am choking him.
I love the pictures. The collars are cute! Hazel looks like a puppy in her picture, Caesar looks like he's posing for his collar shot, and you probably had to "dig" to find Ollie's collar huh? Cute!
I'm always nervous that their collars will accidentally tighten during the night or when we're gone and they'll suffocate.
That is super scary (Daniel's comment). I never thought of that. But I don't know how likely that would be.
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