When Ben was 5 months I tried to feed him rice cereal. He could have cared less. He might have swallowed some accidentally. So he kind of skipped that step and went strait for the veggies.
Tayrien has reached that same age, so I decided to give it a try. I thought I would get the same reaction as Ben gave. I Prepared a very little bit. I hate wasting. I had Daniel film and take pictures and Ben sat by looking on. He was kind of fussy since it was near bed time. As soon as I placed the spoonful of cereal in his mouth there was this wave of emotion. It was as if he was saying "Where have you been all my life! I love food!!!" It was very cute. He would get fussy when the food was swallowed and you didn't get him more soon enough. As soon as the spoon entered his mouth he would giggle. The change of emotions was hilarious! Because I only prepared a very little bit, as soon as it was gone I knew I had to hurry and make more. Tayrien screamed until he had more food in his mouth! Then it was all giggles. He would follow the spoon from the bowl to his mouth and back. He was a hawk! I probably fed him a 1/2 cup of cereal. The box recommends 1 Tbsp for the first time. 4 Tbsp is a full serving.
That night he slept like a bug in a rug. He only woke once. Every time I feed him it is the same reaction. Crying until the food is in his mouth then all giggles.

This one is out of focus, but look at Tayrien's expression!
Tayrien has reached that same age, so I decided to give it a try. I thought I would get the same reaction as Ben gave. I Prepared a very little bit. I hate wasting. I had Daniel film and take pictures and Ben sat by looking on. He was kind of fussy since it was near bed time. As soon as I placed the spoonful of cereal in his mouth there was this wave of emotion. It was as if he was saying "Where have you been all my life! I love food!!!" It was very cute. He would get fussy when the food was swallowed and you didn't get him more soon enough. As soon as the spoon entered his mouth he would giggle. The change of emotions was hilarious! Because I only prepared a very little bit, as soon as it was gone I knew I had to hurry and make more. Tayrien screamed until he had more food in his mouth! Then it was all giggles. He would follow the spoon from the bowl to his mouth and back. He was a hawk! I probably fed him a 1/2 cup of cereal. The box recommends 1 Tbsp for the first time. 4 Tbsp is a full serving.
That night he slept like a bug in a rug. He only woke once. Every time I feed him it is the same reaction. Crying until the food is in his mouth then all giggles.
Marlie gagged on her first few attempts of rice cereal. Tayrien is too cute! A boy after my own heart - he loves to eat! I guess we could expect a few more rolls to follow shortly?
Oh my goodness. I laughed through the whole story. That is the cutest thing ever!! Just love that last picture. He's a good eater!! Sorry he is biting. I would follow some of the advice you got on facebook. Especially that last one about bringing him in close or just stopping the feeding if he's going to play instead of eat.
Nathan was the same way with eating food. We have a video where we kind of "teased" him and circled the spoon around and he yelled the whole time until it was in his mouth and he'd say "um" like he was saying 'yum" We loved it!
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