Tayrien has started to bite me during feedings. The teeth he did have play hide and seek and go in and out of the gums, but never really get big enough to cause damage. The WIC lady told me to take him off and let him sit for a minute before resuming the feeding to show that if you bite, the milk goes away. This doesn't seem to be working. It happens every feeding and now he will bite and jerk in a different direction. Not fun. Sometimes I also yelp "ouch" as a natural reaction, but it doesn't effect him. Anyone have any other tips, or do I jest keep up what I am currently doing?
So long.
11 years ago
I totally LOVE LOVE LOVE that hat!!! SOOOO cute!
Ask your mom - I did what she told me. :) Worked. E only bit a couple of times.
Some people flick the baby on the forehead when they bite. Sounds mean, but might be worth a shot? Did you make the owl hat?
Emma didn't get teeth until she was 1, so she wasn't nursing anymore... but I have always heard that when they do that you push their head into you, it is supposed to make them stop.
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