Two days during the first week we met my cousins on the Tayrien side of the family at the park. The first day was my cousin Erin, her little girl Charlotte (Ben's age), and her twins Abigail and Oliver. They are the cutest kids ever and Having twins is not an easy task especially with a two year old! Erin's sister Kori and her two little boys Spencer and Tanner met us there as well. The kids played while we visited and ate lunch. The little boys all got sunburned. It was so sad! Poor Christian got the worst of it. The second day we went to the park Erin and her kids came again as well as My cousin Allison with her kids Preston, Brigham + Caleb (twins) and her new baby Jacob, Her sister Stephanie and her twin girls Holland and Grace, Their sister Natalie, and their mom Donnie. So if you count right, there were three sets of twins! My Grandma Tayrien came both days as well. I found her feeding Ben a diet Dr. Pepper at one point and giving him sugary snacks! If grandma's spoil then great-grandma's really spoil!

The Friday we were there we went to the Phoenix Zoo. I have always loved this Zoo. The boys had a lot of fun. Ben dropped his shoe in the Giraffe pen, but we found someone to retrieve it for us. Ben and I rode a camel. I talked it up and he was really excited, until we climbed on. He cried and kept saying "Done!" and "Down!" We ate lunch at this Little People park and it was so cute! My dad bought us some churros. He is crazy about them! They are this long skinny cinnamon pastry thing. My dad grew up right by the Zoo so he took us on a little tour. We saw his old elementary school and the place his house used to be. It is now an apartment complex, but the last remaining piece from when he lived there is this little section of a wall.

Another reason for going to Arizona other than visiting family was to attend my friends sealing in the Mesa Temple. They are the Horvath family and I am really good friends with Amanda. Ben and their son Lucas are the same age and were in nursery together until they split the wards. It was so special to see a family being sealed. It was very emotional and so spiritual. Thank you guys for letting me be apart of it! You have such a beautiful Eternal family! Also that night I had the priviledge to help my dad clean the top floor of the Temple which included the Celestial room. It was such a special experience. We were able to be all alone in God's house and I will cherish it forever.

My parents have taken in a few stray cats - teenagers - and friends of my little brother Justin. I was fortunate to spend a lot of time with them and am glad they are now my friends too! This is Nichelle and Tayrien. She combed his hair and I thought it looked like an old mans comb over!

I love Tayrien's face in this picture!

I forgot to include a photo of Ben's contraption for the airport, I included it here!