Today was Ben's four month check up. He is 15 1/2 lbs, 25 inches long and developing wonderfully. He is such a fun little boy. Some new tricks in his bag are:
rolling from stomach to back and almost back to stomach
laughing a lot
sticking his tongue out 24/7
pulling himself to a sitting position when he is at any kind of an incline
playing with his feet
his belly button miraculously became un-herniated
tried to eat rice cereal, which ended in a rash
stands and plays in his walker
scoots on the floor, sometimes forward and sometimes in a circle
went to the park
doubled his weight since birth
was introduced to our dogs on the floor, went very well, they are so careful
He smiles when ever I sing to him
He decided that he was through with pacifiers and bottles, we are working on the bottles again and making big strides
attended his first youth dance and danced with multiple girls, I am in young womens now
I think that is it, there are so many things he can do now I forget the little ones. Oh and I got happy pills!