My new bathing suit!

Michelle and Nathan

Cool Dude!

Eating his shoe!
So today Michelle (Daniel's sister), Nathan (her 7 month old), and I went to Rigby lake for some fun. We got there around 1pm and there were sooo many people there! I think everyone was tired of the cold and ready to start the Summer. We loaded up the stroller and all our gear and settled on the beach. The sand was very hot, but she brought a blanket. Nathan had just woken up from a nap and didn't understand where we were. Soon he was sitting in his cool blue chair with a hat and sunglasses. He is so adorable! I went strait for the lake. It was really cold the first time, but it was great after that. I think this is the first summer I can appreciate swimming in cold water. Usually I get cold after ten min. and lay on the beach. I had to stay in water the whole time! I was so hot! I love my new swimming suit! I had been looking for one about a month ago and found this purple one at Old Navy. I love it and it is so comfortable. I wish I could wear it all the time! So anyways, Nathan was in the sun for about ten min. and got burnt to a crisp. So we decided to leave and it was fine with me! Next time I will bring a chair so I can sit in the water. It was really fun and I got some sun, even though we left before 2pm. I can't wait to go next time!
That swimsuit is so adorable on you, and you are so cute pregnant! Thats cool that Benjamin will have a cousin somewhat close to his age and that they can play together. That's so sad that he got burnt. Michelle should buy a little beach umbrella for him. That would be cute.
Britt!!! I love your cute belly!!!
You look so happy and cute as ever!
Oohh Britt, that swimsuit is very cute! It's so fun to see you "young ones" so excited about being pregnant-- that's sooo sweet ; )
Thanks for going Brittany! We had fun even though it was a quick trip.
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