So we finally made it to the highly anticipated doctors appointment where we find out what the sex of the baby is! The tech was super nice and took a long time trying to get the baby to cooperate so she could check all of the things she needed to. When we got down to the special area I saw something and gasped! She said "Did you see something?" And I said "yup!" Daniel didn't know what he was looking at so he said "What?" She said it's a boy! Hehehehe! I felt so proud that I could tell before she actually told us what the sex was! I felt like a real mommy who was already in tune with her intuition!!! So I am in a home decor class and the projects are a pillow, a blanket, and curtains. So yesterday and today I looked at all the fabric stores I could find to pick out the perfect nursery for my baby boy! I found this adorable citrus prints and fell in love with them! so this is the theme of the babies room. The photo is all the fabrics that will be included and I will show the final projects! The ultrasound photo is of our baby giving the peace sign. He wouldn't hold still or show his face, so we couldn't get a profile. We got funny photos instead! oh the baby will be named Benjamin Daniel Hamman!

Congratulations! That is so exciting to finally know that your baby is going to be a boy! Benjamin Daniel is a very cute name. I can't wait until he finally arrives and we can see cute pictures of him. Although, the ultrasound "Peace" picture is very cute, that is so funny.
Yay! Little Nathan will have a boy cousin close to his age. I love the name Ben. Congratulations on your mommy intuition, moms always know everything.
I am SO excited to have a nephew - my first one! I know little Nathan is so excited as well. He can't wait to play with Benjamin!! I LOVE the fabric and can't wait to see the final projects. Thanks for coming over today. I always have so much fun with you and I'm REALLY going to miss having you so close!!
A boy! I am so happy for you. I knew I was having a girl before the ultrasound, so I know what you mean about mom intuition. It's exciting! Now you can really start to plan and get ready for Benjamin!
No problem, cute background!
Little boys are so much fun, check out our Spencer at arizonagammons.blogspot.com. Also, I had contractions the whole last half of my pregnancy and ended up having him 3 days late and was induced, so you have nothing to worry about, its just braxton hicks contractions. Your life will change forever, being a mommy is the best in the whole world!!
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