So the story begins about two years ago when I was pregnant with Benjamin. I had just graduated collage and moved in with my mom while Daniel was in New York on an internship. I had been fighting really hard not to read the twilight books. I have this thing about being cookie cutter. I am a unique person and this book series was just way too much for me. I didn't want to read them AT ALL! So back to the summer before Ben was born, my dad sent me a package and inside were the first two books of the series. My dad kept asking if I had started to read them yet and I would keep making excuses, some of which were really good reasons why not to have started yet. Finally I made an agreement with my self. I would start to read the first book and if I fell asleep, got too bored, or hated it I would stop reading and tell everyone that I was right, the books weren't all that they lived up to.
I was soooooo wrong. I started reading before I went to bed, I think because I secretly wanted to fall asleep during the book. Anyways, I started and the first few chapters were ok, not horrible, but I could find a reason why they were great yet. I think a few hour passed by before I realized that I was hooked. Line and sinker! I had about a month before Ben would be born so I read like crazy. I finished the fourth book, Breaking Dawn, the week before Ben came out! They are wonderful books and so easy to read and get hooked on. The second one was hard for me to get through, but I soldiered on and am glad I did.
So I am eternally in torment on whose team I am on. Reading the books I was totally team Edward, and even in the first movie. New moon changed that. Jacob looks 90% better with his hair short and his shirt off. So I am torn between the deep love for Edward and the sweet perfectness of Jacob. So I have created my own team: Team Jacward! I think I need a t-shirt now...
So last night was the preview showing at midnight for the third movie, Eclipse. I had waited in line for the second one last November and it was totally fun! I really wanted to do that again this time, but I am almost 7 months pregnant and sitting in a line all day is not possible. So I found out they were showing Twilight and New moon right before Eclipse, so I totally bought those tickets and then If you buy a ticket to the show right before, you don't have to leave your seat. So I was totally up for sitting in a chair with air conditioning, rather than a line. So I spent close to $30 to see four movies in a row.
Prince of Persia was the first one and was really good. It reminded me a lot of the story of Aladdin minus the genie. I walked around after this movie and was feeling pretty good. Then they let in the big long line of people who didn't want to watch Persia. We had a whole row and a half of people who went together from church. Then the Twilight series started. Close to the end of that movie I was hungry and needed dinner. I got a pasta dish and rhubarb-strawberry pie. mmmmm the pie was good!
Ok so now on to New moon. I only saw it twice when it came out so it had been a while. After this movie my toes and ankles were starting to merge together and become cankles with nubbins for toes. I stretched and got my blood pumping and by the time Eclipse started I was feeling ok.
So then finally Eclipse started and it was wonderful. It was the most similar to the book and was spot on to what I had imagined it to be like when I read the book. The only thing I was underwhelmed by was Bella's ring. I thought it was way better in the book. Other than that I was happy.
It was really nice to see the movies all in a row and experience the progression all at once. I don't think I will do it next time, once was great for me. By then end of the night I had to run my feet under a cold shower, because my feet were on fire and the size of an elephants foot. Too much sitting for this preggo lady. I am excited that the first of the next two movies probably wont come out until November of 2011, which means the child I am carrying now will be weaned and I won't have to worry about him!
Yay for good movies and girls night out! Oh and Jacob spent 95% of the movie with no shirt on!!
So long.
11 years ago