I first start by making lots of lists. I am such a list person. There is something about crossing things off a list that makes me feel like I am getting somewhere. I also have to make my notes a piece of art. I am a big fan of letters and working with their form so I first have to pick an appropriate font that I will use through all my planning and then I practice the layout and forms I want and then I make a final project that is actually my plans. I usually include diagrams and pictures which I also practice before the final product.

Ok I could spill the beans on the next post, because I am so excited, but I will s..t..o.p.
Wow! Your lists and notes are very pretty.
I also love planning stuff. It really gives me something to look forward to, rather than being stuck in a rut and getting depressed...
Very impressed. It'll all look so great, I'm excited to see it all. I'm confused - spill the beans about what?
This is part one of the party planning. I am excited to show you the things I have finished.
You're so good at that kind of stuff. That's funny that pick a font to use. My lettering is always changing (in other word I just get lazy with my writing). Especially if I decide to write small it always gets bigger as I write. I wish I could be so organized.
So far it looks like Ben is going to have a very cool/fun/exciting first birthday. I wish I could be there for it.
Owl theme--that's so cute, especially with the game "guess woo". So creative.
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