Last week I didn't feel right. There was one day I felt icky and gross and maxed out, but I couldn't cry. I have never felt like that before. Usually I am overloaded, cry and be done with it. I couldn't cry. I felt like an empty shell. I felt broken. Daniel took me out thinking it was just being cooped up too long. I didn't want to eat anything, but felt better after I did. That night I got angry at Daniel for no reason. That had been happening for a while now too. I couldn't explain why I was always angry at him, I just was. The next day was better, but not much. The next day I was angry again, but this time I broke down and cried. It felt good to cry. We thought maybe I have depression. The next day I talked to my mother in-law and my mom. It was clear something was missing or wrong with me. I realized that all the things I enjoy weren't making me happy anymore. I didn't want to sew. I could care less about any movies or television. Chocolate didn't even make me feel better. I looked up some articles on Postpartum Depression. Some of the things made sense and fit my problem: I experienced a big life changing event right before the birth ( moving to Missouri and graduating college), I had had problems with the birth (I had a c-section), I can't take a nap during the day if my life depended on it because I am too anxious, even if someone watches him. Some other problems that don't help is that I live in a tiny room with two other people and three dogs, I have no car to get away, and I have no money to do anything. So I think that I probably have PPD. Ben has an appointment next Wednesday, so I am going to ask my doctor then about this problem. It definitely helps to talk to people about it and to know that there is a fix, but I still feel
Br0Ke_N. .. .