I thought I would share some of the things I have been up to lately!
I decided to make my own laundry soap. Here is the recipe. I did it a little different: I added the grated soap into a pot of boiling water and it melted wonderfully. I also stored the extra gallons of soap in old milk jugs. I only used 1/8 if not less of the ingredients so this one purchase will last me a whole year. Oh and it doesn't smell once all mixed together and you can do dry or liquid versions. The dry version may clump up a bit, so that is my I chose the liquid. You can use it in the new washing machines too.
Ingredients cost: $10
My sister in law Michelle gave me the supplies to make my own Deceleration of Independence. I tried to burn the edges and did way too much, so I had to re-do it. You dye it in black tea. I didn't burn the edges, but I did use ink to darken some spots and crinkled it up.Tea in a cookie sheet
I have seen these everywhere and LOVE them, so I painted my own. I printed the state on four papers. Painted stripes using masking tape. Traced the state with pencil and painted it in. I hung it in the boys room so they can learn where they live. I am working on a world or country map next.
I made my curtain "Rods" out of pallet wood and old spoons. I drilled through the spoons and nailed them to the wood. I LOVE how they turned out.
Butterfly jars. I cut the butterflies out on my cricut and made the jars look like a bug jar.
FHE board. I started this when I was preggo with Ben and didn't know how to finish it until I saw the vintage knobs.
Vacation wall board. One day it will be full of vacation jars and pictures.
My mother in law gave me wooden apples and I painted them. They will be toys to play with in the car.
Mail catch. I saw this in a store and made my own version.
Old gold lamp into new silver one. Need help with the shade though. Ideas?
Finials I found and painted white. I aged them and placed old vintage jars that I found under my house when we bought it. There are two finials.
I inherited these old jello molds from my granny and made them into a chandelier in my dining room!
Fun vinyl in my dining room
Pallet wood made into a canvas. I painted a silhouette of a horse. It is above Ben's bed.
Old window made into a memo board in boys room
The photographer who took our wedding photos has had this hanging in her window for 5 years. When she switched them out she gave them to us. I had a frame that was a little too long, so I painted my favorite quote under it. "le prix d'amour c'est seulement amour" Translation: the price of love is simply love. I need a ribbon at the seam and maybe paint the frame? Ideas?