I created this super cute fish for his theme and used it everywhere. I made an e-vite for those who wouldn't be making it due to living out of state. The hand delivered invitations were the fish attached to a beach ball that was rolled up.

The party started at 11 am and people started to arrive right away. Ben's best friend from church, Marley Geisey, was the first to arrive. Ben was so excited to have a friend to swim with! The guests were greeted with a gift table and a sign in sheet with Ben's 2nd bday photo. I have the guests sign a sheet of paper which later is put into Ben's scrapbook so he can remember who attended his parties.
Gift & sign in table

Everyone swam for about an hour and we brought out the food. We ate and then more swimming. Ben has this little life jacket that lets him swim with out any help. He had a blast. After a while we brought out the cupcakes and gifts. I found this adorable crown that said "Happy Birthday" and Ben actually kept it on the whole time. He didn't know how to blow the candle out, so he had a little help from mommy.
Singing Happy Birthday
Enjoying his Cupcake

Then he started the gift opening. The little kids loved this and helped him with the paper. He received so many wonderful gifts and he wanted to open and play with them right then! Daniel and I gave him a barnyard puzzle that made animal sounds, a train puzzle with the alphabet and animals, a horsey bank-he LOVES horses, and of course a build-a-bear. He chose a panda this year. He had a hard choice between the panda and a horse. We named the new addition Ping! I also made him a little kitchen out of an old nightstand and some new wood. He loves to cook too!
Kitchen Britt built
We stayed and swam until 5pm. Ben swam the WHOLE time! It was probably 5-6 hours! He had sunscreen on, but because he was swimming so long, and I forgot to reapply, he got a little sunburn on his back and cheeks. He crashed on the way home. He slept for an hour and then was up for a few more hours before bedtime. He was so worn out!

The next few days Ben would come to me and say "back hurt". I felt so bad!
I am so glad the party went so well. I just love throwing parties!
Thank you to everyone who came and gave gifts. Benjamin loved everyone and is still so excited to play with them every morning!
Aunt Aliona & Alexa

1 comment:
It all worked out so well and the timing with what has happened. it was a fun party. I just can't get over the kitchen you made!
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