Daniel's sister Michelle has the baby signing dvds and she so graciously lent us the first one for Ben's enjoyment. Well the very same day he started to sign! He uses the sign for milk a lot. I thought it might be a coincidence that he did it on the first day and maybe he was just sayig bye bye. So over the next few days I payed attention to when he signed this particular one again. He usually did it right before he wanted to take his nap. I was still skeptical until I started noticing when he aves bye bye he doesn't even use the sign for milk, (like milking a cows udder), he used his entire arm to wave up and down. So yesterday he did it a lot and every time he wanted to nurse! I can ask him now if he wants milk and he confirms by using the sign! I am noticing other signs he does...yesterday he did the sign for dog and I think the sign for food or eat. It is so exciting to know what he ants now instead of a guessing game. Thanks Michelle!