Well this year was my first Mothers day. Ben can't really talk Daniel picked out some special things for me. He had to work on Sunday, but when he got home he gave me this adorable photo frame that says "A mothers love, No greater love". It is so pretty and I can't wait to put a photo in it! Then he gave me a letter that he wrote, printed, decorated and packaged beautifully. He had fun at the Michael's craft store. It was the best gift I have ever received. THen on Tuesday when Daniel was off, he watched Ben while I colored my hair! I used to highlight my hair, but then got married and other things were important, so I am now back in the swing of things and my hair is blonde. We also got to talk to Tucker on Mothers day.

I love my mother! It wasn't until I became one that I fully appreciate her and all that she has done for me.

We have rearranged our room so that my side of the bed is right next to the crib. THe other night we put Ben down and were attempting to use the cry it out method that night (rarely have to do this) and Ben pulled himself up to a standing positions and was trying to peak over the top of the crib. So every little while he would scream and then stand on his tip toes, and try to pull himself up but just couldn't make it. It was sooooooo adorable!

My mother and I decorated flip-flops the other day after she got off work. It was so fun! We each had one pair of brown and one pair of black. We decorated the black ones the same, because we like them so much, but did our brown ones different.