Halloween was a very eventful day for our family this year. We had a birthday party to go to first off in the morning. I babysit Solomon and we are really good friends with his parents Garret and Jeanie Anderson. It was a swimming party so Daniel and Ben went in the water and had a blast. We were there for a few hours and then we headed out to Silver Dollar city. We have season passes so we wanted to get the last day of Fall Harvest. It was such a beautiful day and Ben's favorite part of the park is this ball area. He figured out how to make the balls get sucked up these tubes. Then we came home and got dressed for the trick or treating. We wen to our trunk-or-treat at the church before it got dark and too cold. There were a lot of great costumes. Then we headed over to the RecPlex where the city had a kind of carnival. You buy a punch card for $2.00 and then you can do up to five things per card. We went through a blow up maze, on a haunted hay ride, we got lots of candy, caramel pop corn and hot chocolate, and went through a maze to get candy from buisnesse. Then we entered Ben into a costume contest and he was selected to be one of nine finialists. He didn't win, but he did get a candy bar for getting into the finals! Then we went to Grandma and Grandpa Hamman's house to trick or treat. They watched Ben for us while we went to a Halloween party at a members house who is part of a show. It is called "SIX". You all should look them up on youtube. They are awesome! We were very tired out and went to bed at midnight. We used up every part of our day!
1 comment:
And I thought my weekend was busy! You did an awesome job on his costume.
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