I knew it was coming, but thought I still had some time. Nope! Ben is teething and wanting to gnaw on everything, including my face. I am raw and sore from trying to soothe him by feeding. He wants to be held all of the time and he is suddenly a drool machine too! Help!
Oh Brittany!! You're going to really do damage if you let him gnaw on you if he's not hungry!! Sorry, just let him chew on other things, tylenol, and lots of love!! Good luck.
I had and still have the same problem. I thought that same thing since Ethan was about 2 months old. But he still hasn't got his first tooth. I am going through the same raw feeling right now... Good luck! Hopefully Ben's will actually come in instead of taking months and months like Ethan's!
is it that time already? Charles (andy's) is drooling & gnawing too! Charles LOVES my knuckles. Rub it back and forth on their gums, eventually they learn that it makes funny noises too!
I had a dream you and Chase came to visit, the whole time he was wearing a transformers costume and i was embarrassed cuz I was in sweatpants....seriously!! Teething sucks. just wait it out!
Well you DO have a genius baby. :) Hopefully it won't take too long for him to realize he'll just have to chew on teething toys. And like the sleeping, maybe he will go through the phase quickly. I hope so!
Charlotte is a drool machine too. I've heard it can take months of acting like they're teething before the teeth actually appear. Just when you think you've got it figured out... Sorry about the soreness that's rough. I've heard good things about those teething toys you put in the fridge.
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