So when my mom and I were getting Joe some stuff for school we stopped at a shoe place that had a buy one get one half off sale. Joe took forever picking out the perfect pair of shoes for his new school experience. He is so picky...anyways my mom asked if I needed shoes and I realized I was not prepared for when it got cold. I said I needed tennis shoes and the hint was on. I went around the isles a few times and settled on these great pair of converse tennis shoes. They were black and white, but something special was added... they had two tongues. One was a simple white and the top one had silver stars on the inside. you are supposed to flip the stars over so they can show and then you still have a tongue so it doesn't feel weird. I love them. I have never had a pair of converse before, but always wanted them. They were too expensive. As I was debating whether or not I should get somewhat adolescent shoes, or find some "mom" appropriate looking ones, the thought hit me that just because I was as swollen as a watermelon and could any day now have a human being pushed out and then responsible for, doesn't mean I have to retreat to ugly and reserved shoes! So i got them and feel really good about that choice. I love fashion and this in no way takes away from my sophisticated taste. So these are my version of "mom" shoes. Ones you can run after and play with my kids in.
What is your idea of a "mom" shoe?
I love your "mom" shoes! You can always tell when people's fashion has stopped progressing. I have to admit I can't get into some of the 80's styles that are coming back. Maybe I am getting old. I say buy the fun clothes and shoes.
I will probably spend most of my time barefoot in the house and just keep wearing my leather thick flip flops or Nike tennis shoes that I've had since high school. I'm actually excited to get to wear my comfortable shoes again. For the last 2 years I had to dress up to look like a teacher which meant tall, comfortable, conservative shoes.
sandals...anything you can get on quickly:)
You're so cute Brittany!! I love the shoes. I think we should all try out best to NOT resort to ugly fashion just because we're moms. I always think about the ugly "mom" jeans on What Not to Wear. Hopefully we don't get pushed into that (: I guess it all just depends on the style of the time and then we get stuck in it! Flip flops are my mom shoes (: I'll have to get some winter ones too though.
I have converse shoes too, except they don't have that cool little double tongue. I wear them in a way that I don't have to tie them, so I just slip them on. I love my converse.
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